Monday, August 13, 2007

Restore a Youthful Face in 6 Easy Steps: The Natural Way

Rejuvenation of the face and throat is principally dependent on your success in developing the muscles underneath, and should support the skin and other covering tissue. If the supporting muscles are weak, loose and shrunken, a youthful appearance is impossible no matter how brilliant the complexion may be. And any artificial coloring only emphasizes any “saggy” indications of age. This is written for both sexes, and in it I shall briefly describe the methods I prac¬tice for the improvement of the skin covering the face and throat, also the underlying supporting muscles. Got sagging face? How can sagging face muscles be “toned up” and strengthened? And how can hollows be filled up? Muscular activity as in exercise is the secret. The same methods you practice View the rest of this article

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