Sunday, October 21, 2007

Why Pay When You Can Get Free Anti Virus?

I?m sure you have heard this from a friend before, even some of your computer literate friends; but what I want to warn you of is that this is a dangerous question to be asking. You for sure know about viruses and that anyone today is vulnerable to them if they haven?t taken appropriate efforts to protect themselves, but other than that (if you are like most people you don?t really know what is out there (lots more than just viruses) and how to really protect yourself properly. In the next few paragraphs I want to tell you some critical information to save you lots of time and money and tears.
So viruses are, just like their biological counterpart, parasites in that they use a host to exist and more importantly to replicate. A virus is made up of computer code th View the rest of this article

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