Saturday, July 7, 2007

Are You Looking for a Business Opportunity

I am your normal average Joe, married with children. I know what it is like to live week to week and I am sick of it. So, like you, I search the net off and on looking for a home based business for the last 7 years. I tried auto surfing for cash, lost money, tried a few of the ad-sense content building websites to make money with click bank. Spent more than I made, not to mention hearing my wife saying "I am going to destroy that computer" because I would spend hours on it, making nothing and a few of those supplement companies. I tried free advertising, safe-lists and bulk email to advertise all these things I tried; got a few spam complaints. There has to be something out there where I can make additional income and not everyone else is doing the same thing. An opportunity that has a niche, everyone wants and needs and does not cost a fortune to do. One day I was auto surfing (automatically view websites while earning credits for mine) which does not work because most people earn credits while away from their computer. I came across some that looked interesting. I read through this website site called e41biz and believe that I found what I was looking for. I was told a long time ago that you will make money when you provide a service or a product that everyone wants and needs, is not expensive and solves a problem. The e41biz does just that and it passes my personal test. E41biz is in pre-launch, this means that you are not joining years after the business was started and the market is over saturated (supplement mlm companies). What makes e41biz pre-launch special is that they are building a huge customer base and buzz that will produce paying customers when they launch. Most other biz opportunities do not pay you while they are in pre-launch but they will pay you to advertise or if you do not have any experience in internet marketing tell them how many members you want and they do all the work. You will make money advertising! After they launch they will help explode your down line by TV commercials. Every hear of Blockbuster of Net-flicks? Soon you will hear of E41Biz. Ever hear in the right place and the right time or opportunity knocks only once. Well it's knocking and you are at the right place. The niche of e41biz is entertainment products that you can get for the lowest price anywhere on the net or at a retail store because we are an entertainment club How about a new DVD release that sells for 29.95 almost everyone. You can buy for our club for 15.95 or even 12.95. Everyone loves entertainment. It is the biggest seller in the US and Canada. E41 Biz will pay you two ways. Everyone that buys a product that is in your down line (customers) you get paid. Remember, e41biz is an entertainment club selling everything from DVDs, video games and systems to home theaters. There is a 3x7 matrix (over 3200 people) buying products from you. Plus e41biz has a matching bonus. What is a matching bonus? Let's say you personally sponsored 10 people and those 10 people made $1,000.00 each in a month. Good for them right? Yes, but better for you. Since you personally sponsored them you get a 100% matching bonus. You will get paid from all the sells from those 3,200+ members plus you will receive a $10,000.00 bonus! E41 Biz for a limited time is offering a free lifetime paid membership so this really does not cost a fortune to do. E41 Biz is exactly what I am looking for. A way to make extra income, selling products people want at cheap prices. This will change my life why not yours? John P. Luciano Home business is where you will find articles, information and how to own and operate your home based business

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