Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Make Big Money On Your Book - 10 H*O*T Tips

Wouldn't it be nice to write a book, get paid handsomely for it and be considered a top expert all at once? It's possible--if you know the rules.
1. Study the publishing industry.
Today celebrity books rule. Books that catch a quick trend come in second. Take chick lit, for example. Nobody cared about hip books for women ten, or even five years ago. But women buy the majority of books--and actually read them. It's not to say that other book genres aren't viable. Of course they are. The big categories of fiction and non- fiction will live on forever. But even self-help is on the wane according to some sources. And, as a literature savvy friend of mine said, *Plots are passe.* There's much more to know about the industry. Like what agents look for and how publi View the rest of this article

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