Thursday, October 18, 2007

How a natural enzyme can improve and maintain your health

Over thirty years ago, a German physician, Dr. Hans Neiper, faced with the problems that are still unresolved by mainstream medicine today, looked to nature to find a way that would deal with all and any type of inflammation.
Inflammation is anything in the body that should not be there. Any "non living tissue". And quite simply, this is just about anything that causes pain. Blockages, such as in the head or chest from mucus, like catarrh, sinus or bronchial problems, asthma, emphysema, or industrially induced problems including asbestosis.
Things like blood clots, prostate problems, arthritis, ulcers and a mass of other problems that your doctor will tell you cannot be helped are all caused by inflammation.
Serrapeptase is the enzyme that the silkworm uses View the rest of this article

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