Sunday, August 19, 2007

MAKING EXPERT CARP BAITS -- Exploiting ‘Olfaction’ – Bait Detection And Highest Attraction!

* How do you guarantee your catfish or carp fishing baits are detected and treated as ‘food’ by stimulating feeding responses and behaviour from various distances away from your bait? By enhancing your baits using knowledge of fishes own senses! *
Protein and other food detection occurs in the olfactory organs, situated in various ‘external’ and internal carp locations. Carp flush water through their ‘peripheral olfactory organ’, the two nose openings above the mouth.
The carp’s nose senses variations in the electrical fields surrounding them, as in the ‘ionization’ of the surrounding water. These changes show a miniscule, or strong variation in pH, that carp detect as possible stimulatory food message ‘pathways’ to follow.
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