Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Satellite TV - The First Fifty Years

Dish Network, and other satellite TV providers didn?t just appear over night. The development of satellite television took years and its origins can be traced back to the 1950s and the space race.
The original concept of satellite television is often attributed to writer Arthur C. Clarke, who was the first to suggest a worldwide satellite communications system. Funding for satellite technology in the U.S. began in the 1950s, amidst the space race, and the Russian launching of the satellite Sputnik in 1957.
The first communication satellite was developed by a group of businesses and government entities in 1963. Syncom II orbited at 22,300 miles over the Atlantic; the first satellite communication was on July 26, 1963, between a U.S. Navy ship in Lagos, Nigeria View the rest of this article

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