Monday, November 12, 2007

Tropical Fish : Tank Basics

Aquarium fish are like pets and you have to know what you're doing and this article will cover one of the basics : what to look for when buying tropical fish, this article will cover the tank. Look for a tank that is big enough to store the tropical fish you want (keep note that some fish need bigger tanks as they need more place, so do your homework !) I'd suggest to go for a bigger tank because having some extra room for your tropical fish always a good idea. When you're in the store make sure to take some extra equipment with you cause you'll need it. I suggest getting the following equipment for your tank:
1. Heater
The heater is the most important part of a tropical tank. For most tropical fish, 25C is a good average. 4 watts per gallon is ok, but each hea View the rest of this article

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