Sunday, December 16, 2007

Curb The TV Habit In 3 Easy Steps

So you're not quite ready to throw the TV away, but you're limiting the time spent viewing television in your home? Here are some easy tips that have worked for me.
1) Identify when and why you watch and change your habits
Do you usually turn the tube on when you get home from work? Why? Do you turn it on in the late afternoon when the kids get home? Why?
Sometimes the TV goes on when we're tired or bored. If you're tired, you either need to: get more sleep or get more exercise. So instead of automatically flipping on the television, why not go for a 10 minute walk to refresh yourself? Or, take a nap!
If you're turning on the TV to "zone out" and decompress after a busy day, try developing a new, healthier habit.
Some examples:
Brew a nice cup View the rest of this article

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