Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Astrology in a Technologically-Driven World

To Believe or Not To Believe? (Predicting the Past)

It all boils down to this one question. Fortune-telling, tarot card reading, astrology, horoscopes, numerology. They all ask us to invest in them something from inside ourselves: total faith and belief, because the slightest doubt will cancel everything out.

And in this world of ours where almost everything has a monetary equivalent, belief is a free luxury. It is easy to believe. It's not always to see is to believe. Sometimes, somethings must be believed to be seen. It's easy to believe; you just open your mind.

The hard part is standing by our beliefs and making them our own, and breathing life on them, till we are one and the same.

To believe doesn't mean resignation to View the rest of this article

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