Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Self-Esteem: Where to Find It

You owe it to yourself to delight in your own magnificence!

“Whoa,” you say. “That’s a strong statement–maybe even a bit lofty!” Well, thinking like that is probably not working for you, I’ll bet! So, how IS your self esteem? Okay, let’s back up a minute.

Read the questions below and answer them HONESTLY:

1- How many times a day does someone pay you a compliment?

2- How often does anyone do something kind for you unsolicited?

3- How often do you receive positive, encouraging feedback for your efforts?

4- How often does anyone express their undying gratitude for the many unselfish acts you perform daily?

5- When was the last time someone gave you a gift just View the rest of this article

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