Saturday, September 15, 2007

Increase Sales: A Key Ingredient To Get More Customers This Month

To Increase Sales, You Need To Sell Them What They Want, Give Them What They Need. There’s an old saying that you should find a need, fill it, and you’ll get wealthy.
It’s not really true. You need to find a want and fill it. People don’t always want what they need. They need to eat right, but they don’t. They need to stop smoking, but they don’t. They want to be more healthy. You want to sell them what they want, but give them what they need.
Your prospects and customers are people just like you and me and they’re going to respond to messages similar to ones we might respond to. They’ll get turned off by the same things and exaggerations that we do. Filling their needs and wants typically involves things that we’ve talked about - convenient View the rest of this article

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