Monday, July 16, 2007

The battle of the titans: Xbox360 vs. Playstation3

So you want a console but at a loss for which the true console heavy weight giant is? This is gonna lift the haze from your eyes and help you discover the best of the best console. Whether it's the long awaited Playstation3 or the much talked about xbox360. The best way to find this out is probably check out its features and compare them to each other. We start with the latest version of the Playstation: The Playstation3 The Features; 1) The PS3 boasts of high definition video quality not just in the game but for your movies. 2) Digital media storage that is unmatched! Which allows for long term storage of your game profile (and we all know that that's pretty dang important!) 3) Always on web hook up so you can access the web for multiplayer gaming with chats and vid View the rest of this article

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