Sunday, July 29, 2007

Cabbage Soup Diets For Rapid Weight Loss

Cabbage soup diet is probably one of the best-known diet in the world. I believe that everybody who has ever needed to shed a few or a lot of pounds must have tried it or think about trying it at some point. Cabbage soup tastes awful, but if it would really help and if it would be healthy, heck why not? We can make some sacrifices! Unfortunately, apart from being a fad diet it is also dangerous for your health. Cabbage soup for fast weight loss is a very, very bad idea and here is why. As today, there isn't an "official" version of this diet – it seems like no one wants to step forward and say they invented this diet – but you can find various cabbage diet plans based around eating huge amounts of cabbage soup, and very (or nothing) li View the rest of this article

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