Friday, July 27, 2007

The Use of Botox for Headache Relief

Botox is very popular for removing wrinkles and to prevent aging, it is also beneficial for headache pain. Clinical trials and research has found that Botox for headache relief is a great option for those who continually suffer from them. The Botulinum toxin in Botox is a Neurotix that produces Clostridium botulinum. This bacteria is found in poorly sterilized canned foods and can result in the food poisoning called Botulism. These toxins are used to temporarily paralyze the nerves by blocking the release of Acetycholine that works by blocking the muscles and preventing them from being able to contract. Botox for headache relief works because it is injected into the muscles instead of the blood stream. Only a small amount of the product is actually used. The benefits View the rest of this article

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