Friday, July 20, 2007

One Secret to Daytrading Success

This secret is so obvious but hardly ever used and not thought through properly. The secret is to use a TRADING DIARY to record ALL of your trades and comments. It's as important as any other aspect of trading and here's why. Because you need to know what is working and what isn't. Also your personality and emotions can affect your trading, so you need to be able to analyse your trades in the cold light of day at the end of every week or month. Your diary should record the date, time, market, setup, entry, profit target, stop loss, exit, long or short, actual results, comments. Very important is to include a chart of the trade at entry. Print it off and stick it in a lever arch file. Become a chart saver and you will soon see where your going wrong. Because at the en View the rest of this article

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