Thursday, November 15, 2007

Benefits Of Pincha Mayurasana

The meaning of this asana is peacock feather pose. Before displaying the beautiful feathers, the peacock happens to lift its tail upright. This upright pose before dancing is known as Pincha Mayurasana. This represents the peacock in all its grandeur. The fierceness that is described in the peacock has to be imbibed in our day to day lives.
You can also call it as the elbow stand or the forearm stand pose too. As the entire weight falls on your shoulders, it has tremendous strength to withhold that balance for a specific period of time. As the shoulders are not joined together but kept at a distance distributing your weight on both the shoulders.
Similar to Adho Mukha Svanasana and Adho Mukha Vrksasana this pose also tests the inbuilt fear of falling. This fe View the rest of this article

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