Saturday, November 17, 2007

I Look Forward To Be Able To Say: I Can Play Piano

Have you encounter people that tell you: " My wife and I plan one day to have a piano in our home that the whole family can enjoy. Perhaps our children can learn to play also.
... I will practice and practice until I become good at it. If I can't do it in the morning then I will do it when I come home at night after work, and on weekends I can play the piano for hours on end"

I do not think you had that experienced too often, maybe never, but my guess is that there are many of you that have friends in other parts of the country or less fortunate countries where they know of people in this situation. The point I am trying to make is that there are people out there that can not wait the moment in which they can have access to a piano or another 'prope View the rest of this article

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