Monday, November 26, 2007

Do You Use Your Body As A Garbage Can?

Do you clean off your plate even when you are already full? Do you finish the dinner scraps just because you can't stand the thought of throwing out the food? Do you eat that last spoonful of chili in the pot just because nobody in your family wanted to finish it? To get rid of this extra food, do you choose to throw it right in your mouth?
If that sounds like you, you are not alone. This behavior is very common. Most of us have been taught not to be wasteful. When we were little, we were told to clean off our plates, so it is deeply ingrained in our minds. We feel guilty about throwing out good food, especially since we know that there are so many starving people in this world.
In addition, since we paid money for the food, we perceive leaving food on our pl View the rest of this article

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